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How can I render my data after I add/delete anything on firestore without refreshing the page

I'm using react js & to store the data I'm using firebase, so whenever I add or delete something from firestore it won't reflect on my page without reloading the entire page

How can I reflect that changed data without refreshing the page?

Can someone help me please?

I've written the code in firebase service page to get all the data & update it & I'm calling that function in my other page where I need that function

So now my function works, but now it won't reflect on page without reloading the entire page

You can listen to document changes using onSnapshot

For more information https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/listen

import { onSnapshot, collection } from "firebase/firestore";

onSnapshot(collection(db, "YourCollectionName"), (snapshot) => {

 //snapshot.docs will contain the realtime updated changes
 console.log("new data" snapshot.docs)

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