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Adding Credential Provider for multiple local user on V2 Credential Provider Sample

I'm new to this Credential Provider stuff. And I decided to start with Microsoft's V2 Credential Provider Sample .

The sample only adds the custom Credential Provider for the local administrator account. But I'd like to have it for every other local account.

I have looked into these questions:

And I also make the following changes to my code in reference to this GitHub repo .

In CSampleProvider.h :

// CSampleCredential                       *_pCredential;   -> From this
std::vector<CSampleCredential*>         _pCredential;       -> To this

In CSampleProvider.cpp :

    // if (_pCredential != nullptr)
    // {
    //    _pCredential->Release();
    //    _pCredential = nullptr;
    // }

HRESULT CSampleProvider::GetCredentialCount(...)
    // *pdwCount = 1;
    DWORD dwUserCount;
    *pdwCount = dwUserCount;

HRESULT CSampleProvider::GetCredentialAt(...) {
    // if ((dwIndex == 0) && ppcpc)
    // {
    //    hr = _pCredential->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppcpc));
    // }
    if ((dwIndex == 0) && ppcpc)
        hr = _pCredential[dwIndex]->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppcpc));

void CSampleProvider::_ReleaseEnumeratedCredentials()
    DWORD dwUserCount;
    if (!_pCredential.empty())
        for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwUserCount; i++)

HRESULT CSampleProvider::_EnumerateCredentials()
    if (_pCredProviderUserArray != nullptr)
        DWORD dwUserCount;
        if (dwUserCount > 0)
            for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwUserCount; i++) {
                ICredentialProviderUser *pCredUser;
                hr = _pCredProviderUserArray->GetAt(0, &pCredUser);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    _pCredential.push_back(new(std::nothrow) CSampleCredential());
                    if (_pCredential[i] != nullptr)
                        hr = _pCredential[i]->Initialize(_cpus, s_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors, s_rgFieldStatePairs, pCredUser);
                        if (FAILED(hr))
                            _pCredential[i] = nullptr;
                        hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    return hr;

I saw that I must return different SID in response to getUserSID() but I can't figure out how can I do it properly.

I've crashed some of my environment (fortunately I'm using VMs). And can't really figure out how to do it for multiple local user.

By the way, is there any way to debug the program?

First of all you must absorb the concept of Credential Provider V2 . It is significant extend the old concept of Credential Provider

Your CP is supporting the ICredentialProviderSetUserArray interface an supplied with the list of available users. You can use this list to math with your internal storage and check that is it possible to logon into the system using your provider or no.

Based on this information you need to return the number of user's tiles.

Each tile is associated with the user's SID and is displaying next to the user with the same SID.

For debugging the Credential Provider you can use the Credential Invoker .

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