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Catch dialog close event from caller class

I have a custom dialog. How can I catch dialog close event from class which call dialog?

class DialogShow {
    companion object {
    fun showDialog() {
      //some logic
      val customDialog = CustomDialog(account, context)
      customDialog.onDismissListener = {
           // here I need to return close event


calss CallDialog{
  //here I need to catch dialog dismiss

I need to catch this event from kotlin and Java classes.

Create a callback parameter in your function, and call it in the onDismissListener:

class DialogShow {
  companion object {
    fun showDialog(context: Context, onDismiss: ()->Unit) {
      //some logic
      val customDialog = CustomDialog(account, context)
      customDialog.onDismissListener = {
      customDialog.show(context, "rawer")

fun foo() {
  DialogShow.showDialog(context) {
    // code that is run after dialog is closed

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