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Converting SearchContext to WebElement in Selenium with Java on Chrome

Service Now has changed to using shadow root like this

<span id='s1'>

I can easily get the first span:

 WebElement sele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[@id='s1']"));

And then get the shadow root:

 SearchContext sc = sele.getShadowRoot();

But it will not let you do a


or more preferably

 WebElement cancelButton = sc.findElement(By.xpath(".//button[.='Cancel']"));

You have to find with CS selector

 sc.findElements(By.cssSelector(" button"));

and go through each button to get the text. To make it worse, when I try

 List<WebElement> buttons = sc.findElements(By.cssSelector(" button"));

because it says there is an error with "=" and it expects "<=". No idea why. Have to do a

 for (WebElement wele : sc.findElements(By.cssSelector(" button")) {
   String txt = wele.getText();
   if (txt.equals("Cancel")) ... // whatever you want

So my question is is there someway to convert "sc" to a WebElement? Even maybe someway to get itself? The equivalent of


or someway to look for xpath with SearchContext?

Looks like this discussion is exactly what you looking for.
There are several answers given there to get the Shadow Root as a WebElement object.

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