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How to do fast memory copy from YUV_420_888 to NV21

Refer to this post , I want to write a method converting android YUV_420_888 to nv21. A more general implementation is needed although image from camera2 API is default NV21 in disguise. It is as follows:

class NV21Image{
public byte[] y;
public byte[] uv;

public static void cvtYUV420ToNV21(Image image, NV21Image nv21) {
        int width  = image.getWidth();
        int height = image.getHeight();
        int ySize  = width*height;
        ByteBuffer yBuffer = image.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer(); // Y
        ByteBuffer uBuffer = image.getPlanes()[1].getBuffer(); // U
        ByteBuffer vBuffer = image.getPlanes()[2].getBuffer(); // V

        int yRowStride = image.getPlanes()[0].getRowStride();
        int vRowStride = image.getPlanes()[2].getRowStride();
        int pixelStride = image.getPlanes()[2].getPixelStride();
        assert(image.getPlanes()[0].getPixelStride() == 1);
        assert(image.getPlanes()[2].getRowStride() == image.getPlanes()[1].getRowStride());
        assert(image.getPlanes()[2].getPixelStride() == image.getPlanes()[1].getPixelStride());

        int pos = 0;
        int yBufferPos = -yRowStride; // not an actual position
        for (; pos<ySize; pos+=width) {
            yBufferPos += yRowStride;
            yBuffer.get(nv21.y, pos, width);

        pos = 0;
        for (int row=0; row<height/2; row++) {
            for (int col=0; col<vRowStride / pixelStride; col++) {
                int vuPos = col*pixelStride + row * vRowStride;
                nv21.uv[pos++] = vBuffer.get(vuPos);
                nv21.uv[pos++] = uBuffer.get(vuPos);

Above codes work as expected while very time-consuming for my live camera preview app(about 12ms per frame of 720p in Snapdragon 865 CPU), So I tried to accelerate it with JNI implementation to take profit from the byte-access and performance advantages:

Java_com_example_Utils_nFillYUVArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jbyteArray yArr, jbyteArray uvArr,
                                                 jobject yBuf, jobject uBuf, jobject vBuf,
                                                 jint yRowStride, jint vRowStride, jint vPixelStride, jint w, jint h) {
    auto ySrcPtr = (jbyte const*)env->GetDirectBufferAddress(yBuf);
    auto uSrcPtr = (jbyte const*)env->GetDirectBufferAddress(uBuf);
    auto vSrcPtr = (jbyte const*)env->GetDirectBufferAddress(vBuf);

    for(int row = 0; row < h; row++){
        env->SetByteArrayRegion(yArr, row * w, w, ySrcPtr + row * yRowStride);

    int pos = 0;
    for (int row=0; row<h/2; row++) {
        for (int col=0; col<w/2; col++) {
            int vuPos = col * vPixelStride + row * vRowStride;
            env->SetByteArrayRegion(uvArr, pos++, 1, vSrcPtr + vuPos);
            env->SetByteArrayRegion(uvArr, pos++, 1, uSrcPtr + vuPos);

However, it get worse than I expected(about 107ms per frame). And the most time-consuming part is interlaced memory copying for UV buffer
So my problem is Whether any ways to accelerate and how to work it out?

I accelerated it successfully(check my answer ) when pixelStride s of U,V plane are both 1 or 2, I believe it is what happening in most cases.

As @snachmsm said libyuv might help. I found an available API I420ToNV21 , But it cannot receive pixelStride parameter, for YUV_420_888 does not guarantee no gaps exist between adjacent pixels in U,V planes.
I accelerated it successfully with arm intrinsics when the pixelStride is 2( reduce to 2.7ms per frame ):

Java_com_example_Utils_nFillYUVArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jbyteArray yArr, jbyteArray uvArr,
                                                 jobject yBuf, jobject uBuf, jobject vBuf,
                                                 jint yRowStride, jint vRowStride, jint uRowStride, jint pixelStride,
                                                 jint width, jint height) {
    ///TODO: too time-consuming
    auto ySrcPtr = (jbyte const*)env->GetDirectBufferAddress(yBuf);
    auto uSrcPtr = (jbyte const*)env->GetDirectBufferAddress(uBuf);
    auto vSrcPtr = (jbyte const*)env->GetDirectBufferAddress(vBuf);

    for(int row = 0; row < height; row++){
        env->SetByteArrayRegion(yArr, row * width, width, ySrcPtr + row * yRowStride);

    constexpr int kStride = 8;
    const size_t nGroups = width / kStride;
    if(pixelStride == 2){
        int8_t *line = (int8_t*)alignedAlloc(width, 64);
        int8_t *mask = (int8_t*)alignedAlloc(kStride, 64);
        memset(mask, 0, kStride);
        for(int i=0; i < kStride / 2; i++) {
            mask[i * 2] = -1;
        int8x8_t vm = vld1_s8(mask);

        for(int row = 0; row < height / 2; row ++){
            size_t vrowOff = row * vRowStride;
            size_t urowOff = row * uRowStride;
            for(int g = 0; g < nGroups; g++) {
                size_t colOff = g * kStride;
                int8x8_t v0  = vld1_s8(vSrcPtr + vrowOff + colOff);
                int8x8_t v1  = vld1_s8(uSrcPtr + urowOff + colOff);
                int8x8_t a0  = vand_s8(v0, vm);
                int16x4_t b1 = vreinterpret_s16_s8(vand_s8(v1, vm));
                int8x8_t a1  = vreinterpret_s8_s16(vshl_n_s16(b1, 8));
                int8x8_t r = vorr_s8(a0, a1);
                vst1_s8(line + colOff, r);
            env->SetByteArrayRegion(uvArr, row * width, width, line);

    }else if(pixelStride == 1){
        int8_t *line = (int8_t*)alignedAlloc(width, 64);
        for(int row = 0; row < height / 2; row ++) {
            size_t vrowOff = row * vRowStride;
            size_t urowOff = row * uRowStride;
            for(int g = 0; g < nGroups / 2; g++){
                size_t colOff = g * kStride;
                int8x8_t v0 = vld1_s8(vSrcPtr + vrowOff + colOff);
                int8x8_t v1 = vld1_s8(uSrcPtr + urowOff + colOff);
                int8x8x2_t vz = vzip_s8(v0, v1);

                vst1_s8(line + colOff, vz.val[0]);
                vst1_s8(line + colOff + kStride, vz.val[1]);

            env->SetByteArrayRegion(uvArr, row * width, width, line);

Case of pixelStride == 1 is not tested sufficiently , but I believe it will work as expected.

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