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How to use values from one table as column names in a new Table in SQL SERVER?

I have a table that looks like this:

EmployeeName City
Maria Chicago
John Chicago
Anna LA
Peter LA
Carrie NYC

And I need to create a table that will look like this:

Chicago LA NYC
Maria Anna Carrie
John Peter

I found this

SELECT (ColumnNames)  
FROM (TableName)  
  FOR PivotColumn IN (PivotColumnValues)
) AS (Alias);   

But I am confused which aggregate function to use since the values are not numeric and also my table has too many Cities to write them manually.

You can PIVOT with the addition of a new column. In this simple case I used the window function dense_rank() over()


Declare @YourTable Table ([EmployeeName] varchar(50),[City] varchar(50))  Insert Into @YourTable Values 

Select  *
 From  (
        Select EmployeeName
              ,RN = dense_rank() over (partition by city order by EmployeeName desc) 
         From @YourTable
       ) src
 Pivot ( max(EmployeeName) for City in ( [Chicago],[LA],[NYC]) )pvt


RN  Chicago LA      NYC
1   Maria   Peter   Carrie
2   John    Anna    NULL

UPDATE- Dynamic Approach

Declare @SQL varchar(max) = '
Select  *
 From  (
        Select EmployeeName
              ,RN = dense_rank() over (partition by city order by EmployeeName desc) 
         From YourTable
       ) src
 Pivot ( max(EmployeeName) for City in ( '+ (Select string_agg(quotename(City),',') From  (Select distinct City from YourTable) A) +' ) )pvt

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