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Cloud Run ARM64 support

Using the following image

FROM sitespeedio/node:ubuntu-20.04-nodejs-16.15.1

With docker build --platform linux/amd64

Works great!


But, when switching to the ARM64 version.

FROM arm64v8/node:16.18.1

with --platform linux/arm/v8

I get the following error

terminated: Application failed to start: invalid status ::14: could not start container: exec format error

From the Cloud container logs


Running the image locally on my machine, both of them work great. So not really sure where to go now. There's no documentation on this that I can find.

Note* I have an M1 Macbook Pro, our build machines are also M1s, ARM64 speeds up the build process by around 15x and the server costs are lower apparently.

As mentioned by @Ferregina, Currently CloudSDK does not support any ARM64-based images. And it is also confirmed by Google team member on your post here .

As suggested by them you can raise feature request.

If you wish to use cloud run emulator check this thread .

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