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Multiple slash in URL replacement though regex

I am trying to create a regex in pcre, that is going to salinize URL with multiple slashes like the following:

https://www.domin.com/test1/////test2/somemoretests_67142 https://www.domin.com/test1/test2/somemoretests_67142///// https://www.domin.com/test1/test2///somemoretests_67142

So that I can replace it with the following: https://\2\4 and the link at the end of it looks: https://www.domin.com/test1/test2/somemoretests_67142

I have been struggling with it for the past couple of days, so any regex guru help is more than welcome:)

I have tried the following and more:

(http|https):\/\/(.*)(\/\/+)(.*) (http|https):\/\/(.*)(\/\/){2,}(.*) (http|https):\/\/(.*)(\/\/{2})(.*)

I am going to utilize these for Akamai to sanitize our URLs though cloudlet.

You can try:


And substitute the first group with empty string.

Regex demo.

This will produce this output:


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