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regex URL extract slash

I need to extract the middle number from this using regex:


Needed output: 934760332134

I tried using this: (?:.+?/){2}

I am new to regex :(

In JS, you may simply split the string with / char:


If you plan to use regex you may use

 var s = '/166012342170/934760332134/794294808150/2436280815794/'; var m = s.match(/^\\/[^\\/]+\\/([^\\/]+)/); if (m) { console.log(m[1]); } 


  • ^ - start of string
  • \\/ - a / char
  • [^\\/]+ - 1+ chars other than /
  • \\/ - a / char
  • ([^\\/]+) - Capturing group 1: 1+ chars other than /

To get that second number, the regex would be


which gives 934760332134 from the line below,


Try it on here .

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