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How to use multiple predicates in functional methods in Kotlin?

I have the following expression written in a standard java-style with "if".

val punctuationChars = setOf('!', '?', '.')
if (text[index] in punctuationChars &&
         text[index + 1].isWhitespace() &&
         text[index + 2].isUpperCase()
        ){return index}

I want to rewrite it kotlin-style. I got something like this:

 text.indexOfFirst { it in punctuationChars && (((it + 1).isWhitespace()) && (it + 2).isUpperCase()) }

And it absolutely does not work. But. If i use just like that:

text.indexOfFirst { it in punctuationChars }

It's working. So, how can i use multiple predicates in functions like this?

I think it is good to use windowed function. Something like:

text.windowed(3).indexOfFirst { it[0] in punctuationChars && it[1].isWhitespace() && it[2].isUpperCase() }

Your code isn't working because you're doing this:

it in punctuationChars && (it + 1).isWhitespace()

What's it here? This function is being used with text.indexOfFirst which iterates over each Char in a String . So it is a Char , which you're using correctly with it in punctuationChars - "is this character in this set of characters?"

But in the next condition, you're treating it like an index . You're trying to see if the next character in the string is whitespace - but you don't have the current character's index, you have the character itself . (it + 1).isWhitespace() effectively checks the next character in the code table (every character has a code number).

So to do it the way you're approaching it here, you need access to the index . You could do something like this:

text.withIndex().indexOf { indexed -> 
    // using nullable stuff here protects you from invalid index exceptions
    text.elementAtOrNull(indexed.index + 1)?.isWhitespace() == true

which wraps each element in an Indexed you can access (the element itself is the value property). Personally I'm not a fan, you're working on individual list elements but then using the index property to go poking around the rest of the list - I feel like if you're going to do that, just work with the indices directly, and access each element using that:

text.indices.firstOrNull { index ->
    // every element accessed through an index
    text[index] in punctuationChars &&
    text[index + 1].isWhitespace()

Again, accessing later indices like that is dangerous (what if it's the last character in the string?) so you should use elementAtOrNull - I'm just writing it like that for brevity.

If you do want to work with the chars themselves, in a safe way, you can use windowed which allows you to work on a sliding view of n elements from the list:

// partial windows allows for smaller windows with elements missing as you run into 
// the end of the list - you don't want that, you want it to end as soon as you can't
// fill a window (false is the default but I'm just putting it here for clarity!)
text.windowed(size=3, partialWindows=false).indexOfFirst { window ->
    window[0] in punctuationChars &&

The direct equivalent to your Java-like code is the following:

fun indexOfEndOfSentenceAndStartOfNextSentence(text: String): Int =
    (0 until text.length - 2).indexOfFirst {
        text[it] in ".!?" && text[it + 1].isWhitespace() && text[it + 2].isUpperCase()

But using a regex may be better:

private val pattern = """[!?.]\s\p{Lu}""".toRegex()
fun indexOfEndOfSentenceAndStartOfNextSentence(text: String): Int =
    pattern.find(text)?.let { it.range.first } ?: -1

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