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How to update particular variable of particular data in List<Map<String,dynamic>> in firebase using flutter?

I have customer collection inside I have list of merchant data like


Here inside merchantMap I want to update his name by checking his merchantId. How can I achieve this?

Lets assume your customer data is this:

var customerData = {
    'customer': 'xyz',
    'contactNumber': '999999999',
    'merchantMap': [
      {'merchantName': 'abx', 'merchantId': '12'},
      {'merchantName': 'abx', 'merchantId': '23'}

and your specific id is this:

String selectedId = "23";

you can do this to change the item that contains that id:

var newMerchantMap =
    (customerData["merchantMap"] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>)
        .map((e) => e['merchantId'] == selectedId
            ? {'merchantName': 'newNAme', 'merchantId': e["merchantId"]}
            : e)

customerData['merchantMap'] = newMerchantMap;


   customer: xyz,
   contactNumber: 999999999, 
   merchantMap: [
       {merchantName: abx, merchantId: 12},
       {merchantName: newNAme, merchantId: 23}

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