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Reference to two dimensional arrays c++

in my project i have chosen to use arrays (not dynamic). I would like to know how to relate to a two-dimensional array made in one function in another one.

Do i have to make an array in the main function and refer (and then modify in other functions) or do I do it in other way? If yes, then i would be really grateful for someone to show me, I have been searching and trying in many ways and I still have errors. Have a great day, Wiktoria

There is a special syntax to pass C-Style arrays to functions.

Please see the below code

constexpr size_t NumberOfRows = 3;
constexpr size_t NumberOfColumns = 4;

// Typedef for easier usage
using IntMatrix2d = int[NumberOfRows][NumberOfColumns];

//Solution 1 ------
// Pass by reference
void function1(int(&matrix)[NumberOfRows][NumberOfColumns])  {}

// Pass by pointer
void function2(int(*m)[NumberOfRows][NumberOfColumns])  {}

//Solution 2 ------
// Pass by reference
void function3(IntMatrix2d& matrix) {}

// Pass by pointer 
void function4(IntMatrix2d* matrix) {}

int main()
    // Solution 1
    // Handwritten matrix. Dimension is compile time constant
    int matrix1[NumberOfRows][NumberOfColumns];

    // Pass by reference

    // Pass by pointer

    // Solution 2 -----
    IntMatrix2d matrix2;

    // Pass by reference

    // Pass by pointer

    return 0;

But basically you should use std::array instead-

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