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Im using very large data. And my app crashes. I need a solution that dont consumes a lot of memory and its still fast

So, im using android studio to develop and app, and the most important data, have arrays with like 100 000 objects. What should i use to store this data. I get this data from a get request when user logs in. And i need to store that that while user is on the app. Ive tried using a global variable and then i tried with bundle&serializable. Booth didnt work, i had a problem out of memory.

What should i use instead?

My object type is somethin like this, and i need to store up to 200 000 of them.

String ID;
String Name;
String PVM;
String FinalName;
String SN;
Defect defect;

where defect is another class object.

Room Database is what you want, it is sqlite underneath, and very simple to use.

data class MyModel(
val ID: String,
val name: String,.....) {

interface DaoMyModel {
//You put all methods to handle data here
// Some examples

fun insertOne(item: MyModel)
fun insertMultiple(items: List<MyModel>)

//Get all
@Query("SELECT * FROM MyModel")
fun getAll() : List<MyModel>

//Observe all with kotlin Flow
@Query("SELECT * FROM MyModel")
fun flowAll() : Flow<List<MyModel>>


//Your database class
@Database(entities = [MyModel::class], version = 1)
abstract class MyDatabase: RoomDatabase(){
abstract fun getMyModelDao() : MyModel.DaoMyModel


//Db Init

fun provideDatabase(applicationContext: Context) = Room.databaseBuilder(
            applicationContext, MyDb::class.java , "MyDatabaseName")

//handling the data

//get the database
val myDatabase = provideDatabase(context)
//get dao
val myModelDao = myDatabase.getMyModelDao()

//insert new item

I would suggest that you go tho with this 1 hour codelab tutorial https://developer.android.com/codelabs/android-room-with-a-view-kotlin#0

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