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Receive all kind of Entity as an Argument in Symfony

I have a method to get a change set of Entity from the unit of work (entity manager) in Symfony and I would like it to receive all Entities (Post, User...) instead of specific Entity.

public function getChanges(Post $event): array
        $uow = $this->entityManager->getUnitOfWork();

        return $uow->getEntityChangeSet($event);

Do you have any idea to do it? One solution is getting the object as the argument but I prefer to get only the Symfony Entity objects in the function.

Look for doctrine entity listener.


And do not filter entity inside it, remove this part from the example:

    // if this listener only applies to certain entity types,
    // add some code to check the entity type as early as possible
    if (!$entity instanceof Product) {
if (!$this->entityManager->contains($entity)) {
            throw new Exception('The given object must be doctrine entity');

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