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Parse JSON to Java records with fasterxml.jackson

Java records can not - by design - inherit from another object (see Why Java records do not support inheritance? ). So I wonder what would be the best way to achieve the following.

Given my JSON data contains objects that have some common data + unique data. For example, type, width and height are in all shapes, but depending on the type, they can have additional fields:

  "name": "testDrawing",
  "shapes": [
      "type": "shapeA",
      "width": 100,
      "height": 200,
      "label": "test"
      "type": "shapeB",
      "width": 100,
      "height": 200,
      "length": 300
      "type": "shapeC",
      "width": 100,
      "height": 200,
      "url": "www.test.be",
      "color": "#FF2233"

In "traditional" Java you would do this with

BaseShape with width and height
ShapeA extends BaseShape with label
ShapeB extends BaseShape with length
ShapeC extends BaseShape with URL and color

But I'm a bit stubborn and really would like to use records.

My solution now looks like this:

  • No BaseShape
  • The common fields are repeated in all records
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public record Drawing(
        String name,

        @JsonDeserialize(using = TestDeserializer.class)
        List<Object> shapes // I don't like the Objects here... 
) {

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public record ShapeA (
        @JsonProperty("type") String type,
        @JsonProperty("width") Integer width,
        @JsonProperty("height") Integer height,
        @JsonProperty("label") String label
) {

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public record ShapeB(
        @JsonProperty("type") String type,
        @JsonProperty("width") Integer width,
        @JsonProperty("height") Integer height,
        @JsonProperty("length") Integer length
) {

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public record ShapeC(
        @JsonProperty("type") String type,
        @JsonProperty("width") Integer width,
        @JsonProperty("height") Integer height,
        @JsonProperty("url") String url,
        @JsonProperty("color") String color
) {

I don't like repeated code and it's a bad practice... But in the end I can get this loaded with this helper class:

public class TestDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer {

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    public List<Object> deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException {
        List<Object> rt = new ArrayList<>();

        JsonNode node = jsonParser.getCodec().readTree(jsonParser);

        if (node instanceof ArrayNode array) {
            for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = array.elements(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                JsonNode childNode = it.next();
        } else {

        return rt;

    private Object getShape(JsonNode node) {
        var type = node.get("type").asText();
        switch (type) {
            case "shapeA":
                return mapper.convertValue(node, ShapeA.class);
            case "shapeB":
                return mapper.convertValue(node, ShapeB.class);
            case "shapeC":
                return mapper.convertValue(node, ShapeC.class);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shape could not be parsed");

And this test proves to be working OK:

    void fromJsonToJson() throws IOException, JSONException {
        File f = new File(this.getClass().getResource("/test.json").getFile());
        String jsonFromFile = Files.readString(f.toPath());

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        Drawing drawing = mapper.readValue(jsonFromFile, Drawing.class);
        String jsonFromObject = mapper.writeValueAsString(drawing);

        System.out.println("Original:\n" + jsonFromFile.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", ""));
        System.out.println("Generated:\n" + jsonFromObject);

                //() -> assertEquals(jsonFromFile, jsonFromObject),
                () -> assertEquals("testDrawing", drawing.name()),
                () -> assertTrue(drawing.shapes().get(0) instanceof ShapeA),
                () -> assertTrue(drawing.shapes().get(1) instanceof ShapeB),
                () -> assertTrue(drawing.shapes().get(2) instanceof ShapeC)

What would be the best way to achieve this with the Jackson library and Java Records?

Extra sidenote: I will also need to be able to write back to JSON in the same format as the original.

If you are using regular classes you can annotate the parent class to include the type name as a property.

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, 
   include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, 
   property = "type")
public class Shape {
public class ShapeA extends Shape {

If you need/want to use records the only option would be a custom deserializer for the Drawing type.

I think this doesnt makes any sence because you cannot store the shapes in one list (as long as you are not using List<Object> )

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