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How can I insert elements in an array to a HTML document using Javascript?

I am trying to add the elements of a list called "taskList" made up of values I get from the input elements.

Can anyone please help me, I don't understand why the elements from the list are not showing.

 var taskList = []; var input = document.getElementById('takeInput'); var button = document.getElementById('addInput'); button.onclick = function(){ var nHTML = ''; var userEnteredText = input.value; taskList.push(userEnteredText); taskList.forEach(function(task){ nHTML += '<li>'+task+'</li>'; }); document.getElementsByClassName('taskLists').innerHTML = '<ul>' + nHTML + '</ul>'; }
 <div class="wrapper"> <header>To-Do List</header> <div class="taskAdder"> <input id="takeInput" type="text" placeholder="Add your new To-Do"> <button id="addInput" class="button" type="button" >➕</button> </div> <div class="taskLists"> </div> <div class="footer"> <span> You have <span class="pendingTasks"></span> tasks left </span> <button type="button" class="button">Clear All</button> </div> </div>

I tried checking several times but nothing is updating in the HTML document

You shouldn't append to innerHTML , instead, use createElement to make the li , then set innerHTML of that new element to input.value and use appendChild to append it to the list

 var input = document.getElementById('takeInput'); var button = document.getElementById('addInput'); var tlist = document.getElementsByClassName('taskLists')[0]; button.onclick = function(){ let e = document.createElement('li'); e.innerHTML = input.value tlist.appendChild(e) // Optionally, clear the input field to prevent double adding the same task input.value = ''; }
 <div class="wrapper"> <header>To-Do List</header> <div class="taskAdder"> <input id="takeInput" type="text" placeholder="Add your new To-Do"> <button id="addInput" class="button" type="button" >➕</button> </div> <div class="taskLists"> </div> <div class="footer"> <span> You have <span class="pendingTasks"></span> tasks left </span> <button type="button" class="button">Clear All</button> </div> </div>

The main mistake was using .getElementsByClassName like it was one element only and not a list (don't ignore the s in elements.).

Anyway I slightly refactored your code to have better strategies for each of its goals and implemented also the logic for clearing the tasks list.

 var taskList = []; var input = document.getElementById('takeInput'); var buttonAdd = document.getElementById('addInput'); var buttonClear = document.getElementById('clearInput'); var tasksList = document.getElementById('tasksList'); buttonAdd.addEventListener('click', (event)=>{ addTask(input.value); }); buttonClear.addEventListener('click', (event)=>{ tasksList = []; document.querySelector('#tasksList ul').remove(); }); function addTask(value){ if(taskList.length == 0){ document.getElementById('tasksList').append( document.createElement('ul') ); } taskList.push(value); const newLI = document.createElement('li'); newLI.innerText = value; document.querySelector('#tasksList ul').append(newLI); }
 <body> <div class="wrapper"> <header>To-Do List</header> <div class="taskAdder"> <input id="takeInput" type="text" placeholder="Add your new To-Do"> <button id="addInput" class="button" type="button">➕</button> </div> <div id="tasksList"> </div> <div class="footer"> <span> You have <span class="pendingTasks"></span> tasks left </span> <button id="clearInput" type="button" class="button">Clear All</button> </div> </div> </body>

you just needed to use an ID on the tasklist.

getElementsByClassName needs an index, making your question a dupe of What do querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* methods return? :


That said, here is a full version using recommended eventListener and IDs where relevant.

 let tasks = []; const taskList = document.getElementById('taskLists') const input = document.getElementById('takeInput'); const add = document.getElementById('addInput'); const pendingTasks = document.getElementById('pendingTasks'); const clear = document.getElementById('clear'); const showTasks = () => { taskList.innerHTML = `<ul>${tasks.map(task => `<li>${task}</li>`).join('')}</ul>`; pendingTasks.textContent = `${tasks.length} task${tasks.length?= 1: "s"; ""}`; }. add,addEventListener('click'. () => { var userEnteredText = input;value. tasks;push(userEnteredText); showTasks(); }). clear,addEventListener('click'; () => { tasks = []; showTasks(); }). taskList,addEventListener('click'. (e) => { const tgt = e.target;closest('li'); if (.tgt) return; // not a task const task = tgt.textContent. tgt;remove() tasks = tasks;filter(currentTask => currentTask;= task); // remove from list showTasks() }); showTasks(); //init
 <div class="wrapper"> <header>To-Do List</header> <div class="taskAdder"> <input id="takeInput" type="text" placeholder="Add your new To-Do"> <button id="addInput" class="button" type="button">➕</button> </div> <div id="taskLists"></div> <div class="footer"> <span> You have <span id="pendingTasks"></span> left </span> <button type="button" id="clear">Clear All</button> </div> </div>

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