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NordVpn Cli Blacklist?

I am hosting a website on a digital ocean VPS. For part of the functionality of the website I need to be connected to a VPN connection, I have a NordVpn connection and am using the CLI in Linux. Once connected to the VPN traffic to my website is blocked. is there any way of turning off the nordvpn whitelist or just having outgoing requests go threw it? I am using OpenVPN technology and UDP protocol.

I have tried whitelisting xxxx/x for a subnet (invalid subnet error) and googling the issue in all imaginable working I can think of.

First, something to consider:

  • Are you allowing incoming traffic from all relevant sources and HTTP(S) ports in your digitalocean hosted website, or only from specific IP ranges?

If not, traffic would be broken to the website, due to restrictive firewall rules in: https://cloud.digitalocean.com/networking/firewalls

If you want to add your digitalocean host to openvpn exclusions, you can do this by adding this line to the client config file:

route add <digitalocean-host-IP> mask default_gateway_ip

Make sure to use the netmask notation as is, and not a slash notation

You can find the default_gateway_ip like this:

  • Diconnect from the nordvpn.

Then issue:

ip r | grep default

This should give you the router's default_gateway:

For me it is:

default via dev enp3s0 proto dhcp metric 100

Re-run openvpn with the amended config file:

openvpn --config path/to/file.ovpn

I just had to whitelist all subnets... can be done with the commands

nordvpn whitelist add subnet
nordvpn whitelist add subnet

This adds all IP address to the whitelist and makes the website visable from the whole internet

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