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How to use nested Consumers in Flutter?

I need to access two different view model in one page in Flutter.
How to use nested Consumers in Flutter, Will they effect each other?

How can I use it in this code for example?

class CounterDisplay extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Consumer<CounterModel>(
      builder: (context, counterModel, child) {
        return Text('${counterModel.count}');

The Consumer widget is a part of the Provider package, which is a popular solution for managing state in a Flutter application. The Consumer widget allows you to access a specific piece of the app's state within a widget tree, and rebuild a widget whenever that piece of state changes.

To use a nested Consumer , you simply wrap a Consumer widget inside another Consumer widget. This allows you to access multiple pieces of state within a single widget tree, and rebuild the widget whenever any of those pieces of state change.

Here's an example of how you might use nested Consumers in a Flutter widget:

    builder: (context, myModel1, child) {
        return Consumer<MyModel2>(
            builder: (context, myModel2, child) {
                return Text(myModel1.someValue + myModel2.someValue);

In this example, the inner Consumer widget is accessing an instance of MyModel2 and the outer Consumer is accessing an instance of MyModel1 . The widget will be rebuilt whenever either MyModel1 or MyModel2 changes.

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