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How to get upload speed in android?

I need todo some operations in my android app based on the upload speed. It is an broadcasting app, based on.network upload speed I want update the resolution and bitrate. For example if the upload speed is below 0.5 Mb I want to set different bitrate and resolution as 360p. How to measure upload speed?

I tried with Connectivity Manager but it gives only the overall strength. But not the exact speed.

there are 2 ways

  1. implement server-side bytes-recived report when a large file is uploading to server server should calculate recived bytes and response to client every seconds so you can calculate exact speed by simple calculation

  2. if your server can't report BYTES_RECEIVED you can implement NDK (c++) module which use HTTP-client ptp transfer and you can send bytes from java/kotlin part to ndk and it will calculate WHOLE_BYTES / TRANSFERED_BYTES in last second and calculate speed per second

I used the following for checking download/upload speed every 5 seconds.

import android.net.TrafficStats

object RetrieveData {
    private var totalDownload: Long = 0
    private var totalDownload_n: Long = 0
    private var totalUpload: Long = 0
    private var totalUpload_n: Long = 0
    fun findData(uid: Int): List<Long?> {
        val allData: MutableList<Long?> = ArrayList<Long?>()
        if (totalDownload == 0L) {
            totalDownload = TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(uid)
        if (totalUpload == 0L) {
            totalUpload = TrafficStats.getUidTxBytes(uid)
        val newTotalDownload = TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(uid)
        val incDownload = newTotalDownload - totalDownload
        val newTotalUpload = TrafficStats.getUidTxBytes(uid)
        val incUpload = newTotalUpload - totalUpload
        totalDownload = newTotalDownload
        totalUpload = newTotalUpload
        return allData


val timer=fixedRateTimer("ss",false,1000,5000){


fun getData() {
        val allData = findData(applicationInfo.uid)
        val mDownload = allData[0]
        val mUpload = allData[1]
        val df = DecimalFormat("#.##")
        var downloadSpeedApi=0
        var uploadSpeedApi=0

        var upSpeed: String = if (mUpload!! < 128) {
            mUpload.toInt().toString() + " B/s"
        } else if (mUpload < 1048576) {
            (mUpload.toInt() / 1024).toString() + " KB/s"
        } else {
            df.format(mUpload.toDouble() / 1048576.0).toString() + " MB/s"

        var downSpeed: String = if (mDownload!! < 128) {
            mDownload.toInt().toString() + " B/s"
        } else if (mDownload < 1048576) {
            (mDownload.toInt() / 1024).toString() + " KB/s"
        } else {
            df.format(mDownload.toDouble() / 1048576.0).toString() + " MB/s"

        Log.d("MyTAG", "$downSpeed, $upSpeed")

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