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Problem with installing mediapipe using pip on windows

So when i am trying pip install mediapipe i see error like that ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mediapipe (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for mediapipe image Here is image of error and pip and python version I have 64-bit python

The current latest version mediapipe provides wheels for Windows for Python 3.7-3.10. A wheel for Python 3.11 is only available for Linux.

The bottom line is: don't be so quick to upgrade your Python, wait until all 3rd-party libraries you use are caught up.

Downgrade your Python, use Python 3.10 64-bit. Or try to build from sources .

It looks like there is no package called mediapipe available in the Python Package Index (PyPI), which is the default repository that pip uses to install packages.

mediapipe is actually a C++ library for building cross-platform multimodal machine learning pipelines. It is not a Python package, and it is not available in PyPI.

To use mediapipe in your Python code, you will need to install the mediapipe library and build the Python bindings. You can find more information on how to do this in the mediapipe documentation: https://google.github.io/mediapipe/getting_started/getting_started.html#installing-mediapipe-on-your-system

Alternatively, if you just want to use some of the functionality provided by mediapipe in your Python code, you may be able to find a Python package that provides a similar interface. For example, you can try searching for "mediapipe python" on the web to see if there are any Python packages that provide similar functionality.

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