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VS Code and Python import - relative/absolute path problem

I know, that there are already threads open that discuss this topic, but NONE helped so far.

My project in VS Code looks like this:


In VS Code the path of /myproject is... ofc... set as the project.

Code like

    # main.py absolute imports
    from sub1 import sub1_mod1 as sub1_mod1
    from sub1.sub1_1 import sub1_1_mod1 as sub1_1_mod1

    if __name__ == "__main__":

works like a charm. But what i want is: Imports between packages: eg import /sub1/sub1_mod1.py in /sub2/sub2_mod.py . I am using this code:

    # sub2_mod1.py
    import sub1.sub1_mod1 as sub1_mod1

    if __name__ == "__main__":

VS Code shows no errors, auto completes everything (eg when typing sub1_mod1. ... i get all functions and can select sub1_mod1_def1()). But the moment i run the code i get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sub1'

I also tried to work with all the VS Code/Pylance options:

   "python.analysis.importFormat": "relative" 
   - - - - - - - - - - - - OR - - - - - - - - - - - -
   "python.analysis.importFormat": "absolute"


   "python.analysis.autoImportCompletions": true
   - - - - - - - - - - - - OR - - - - - - - - - - - -
   "python.analysis.autoImportCompletions": false


       "python.analysis.extraPaths": [
    - - - - - - - - - - - - OR - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "python.analysis.extraPaths": []

None of the options changed a thing.

TL;DNR: Going deeper in in the (current) path is no problem. However, going in the other direction does not work. Any clues on how to set this up? Oh and I prefer a solution without import os and stay "native".

I create the similar directory structure and I get the same problem.

Usually, the default setting about the current folder it the project folder (We can search "Terminal: Execute In File Dir" and find it's not checked).

However, it still gives error moduleNotFound even if the file dir is correct. I submit the problem to github .

Here is an interim solution, we can use code-runner extension and use Run Code to run python file:


It is the code-runner that runs normally makes me think it is a bug.

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