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CStatic Custom Control

I am trying to create a custom CStatic control in vc++ and have a few problems.

I originally was just using a CStatic control with the SS_BLACKRECT style. This was good for the situation until I needed to display an image over the control on demand.

I figured out all the logistics behind actually drawing the image onto the control but I cant seem to figure out how to do so without interfering with other things.

Basically I want the control to function as a normal CStatic with the SS_BLACKRECT style most of the time.

Then I need to be able to call a method that will cause it to draw an image over the control instead. I am doing the drawing using GDI and have tried it both in the OnPaint() method and the DrawItem() method without success. I can get it to draw in the OnPaint() but when I call the base CStatic::OnPaint() it draws over my image.

I need to be able to allow it to draw like normal but then just throw an image in on top. When I tried to do it in the DrawItem() method I had a problem because obviously it was not drawing using the SS_BLACKRECT style but waiting for me to draw the control like its supposed to.

I guess what I think I'm looking for is one of three things. A way to draw using GDI after the base OnPaint() method finishes. A way to have the control draw the default SS_BLACKRECT style and then OWNERDRAW the image afterwards. Or the code to mimic the drawing of SS_BLACKRECT .

The last one might be the easiest but I just don't know all the things I need to set up to draw a CStatic control like the default DrawItem.

Try calling Default() in your OnPaint() handler.

Then, depending on whether you're drawing your image, you can then draw over the top of the standard CStatic control.

Here's a couple ideas:

If CStatic::OnPaint() draws over your image, then try calling it first and drawing your image afterwards.

Otherwise, from what little I've seen of SS_BLACKRECT, you should be able to replicate it's drawing simply be calling CDC::FillSolidRect() passing the rectangle of your control obtained through GetClientRect() and using the color returned by GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME)

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