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Handling WM_PAINT in a Subclassed CStatic Control

I created a custom control whose class has CStatic as base class. Currently I handle the drawing using WM_PAINT event. But there is a strange behavior. When I re-enable the window after disabling it using CWnd::EnableWindow function, it refuses to draw what I written in OnPaint function. It draws the static control instead.

I agree that there is this standard method of overriding DrawItem and using SS_OWNERDRAW style. But what's wrong with WM_PAINT ?

void XXControl::OnPaint()
    CPaintDC PaintDC( this );
    // ** draw the control to PaintDC**

Here is exactly what I have written:

class CMyStatic : public CStatic
    void OnPaint(void);


void CMyStatic::OnPaint(void)
    CPaintDC dc(this);
    CRect rect;

    dc.FillSolidRect(&rect, RGB(120,255,0));

And subclassed:

class CMyDlg : public CDialog
// Construction
    CMyStatic my_static;

BOOL CCMyDlg::OnInitDialog()

   my_static.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_DRAW, this);

   return true;

Where IDC_DRAW is static control on resource for this dialog. I wrote two button handlers:

void CMyDlg::OnBnClickedOk()

void CMyDlg::OnBnClickedOk2()

And it works flawlessly! Remove Invalidate call and it would fail.

Try turning off Aero. I'm having a similiar problem where I'm drawing a static control and when it goes from disabled to enabled the WM_PAINT message is never received, but if I turn Aero off it works fine.

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