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PHP - Rename array keys - Static and dynamic mixed

I try to implement my HmIP devices and I'm using a python script to retrieve my values. I get an array, which I exploded with a foreach:

foreach ($output as $line) {
    $raw = explode (" ", $line);
    $device[$raw['2']] = $raw;       

Now my array looks like this:

[Window-Kitchen] => Array
            [0] => ABCD123EFG
            [1] => HMIP-SWDO
            [2] => Window-Kitchen]
            [3] => lowBat(False)
            [4] => unreach(False)
            [5] => rssiDeviceValue(-75)
            [6] => rssiPeerValue(None)
            [7] => configPending(False)
            [8] => dutyCycle(False)
            [9] => sabotage(False)
            [10] => windowState(CLOSED)

    [Outdoor] => Array
            [0] => 1234ABDCFGD
            [1] => HmIP-STHO
            [2] => Outdoor
            [3] => lowBat(False)
            [4] => unreach(False)
            [5] => rssiDeviceValue(-72)
            [6] => rssiPeerValue(None)
            [7] => configPending(False)
            [8] => dutyCycle(False)
            [9] => temperatureOutOfRange(False)
            [10] => actualTemperature(10.4)
            [11] => humidity(86)
            [12] => vaporAmount(8.275512614884711)

Now I want to create a 'beautified' array like:

[Outdoor] => Array
            [device_id] => 1234ABDCFGD
            [device_type] => HmIP-STHO
            [lowbat] => false
            [unreach] => false

As you can see key 1-2 is static, the rest dynamic and it differs per device type. I don't know where to start, any help is appreciated.

You can use the array_combine function to build an array from two, the first containing the keys, the second holding the values.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

$arr =
  'Window-Kitchen' =>  [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ],
  'Outdoor'        =>  [ 'A', 'B'],

$keys =
  'Window-Kitchen' =>  [ 'key 1', 'key 2', 'key 3' ],
  'Outdoor'        =>  [ 'key A', 'key B'],

// alter in place by using a reference &$val
foreach ($arr as $key => &$val)
  $val = array_combine($keys[$key], $val);

With the help of @Pinke Helga I was able to write the following working script:

$arr_keys = array();
$arr_values = array();
$devices = array();

foreach ($output as $line) {
    $raw = explode (" ", $line);
    $foreach_keys = array();
    $foreach_values = array();

    for($i=0; $i < count($raw); $i++) {
        if ($i == 0){
            $foreach_keys[] = 'Device_ID';
            $foreach_values[] = $raw[$i];
        }elseif($i == 1){
            $foreach_keys[] = 'Device_type';
            $foreach_values[] = $raw[$i];
        }elseif($i == 2){
            $foreach_keys[] = 'Device_name';
            $foreach_values[] = $raw[$i];
            $foreach_keys[] = strtok($raw[$i], '(');

            preg_match('#\((.*?)\)#', $raw[$i], $match);
            $foreach_values[] = $match[1];

    $arr_keys[] = $foreach_keys;
    $arr_values[] = $foreach_values;

foreach ($arr_values as $key => &$val){
    $devices[] = array_combine($arr_keys[$key], $val);

Is there a better way to achieve this?

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