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Is it possible to route parsec game stream traffic through a VPS like this

I want to stream and play games with my friends over parsec or moonlight but my upload speed is not enough for 3 clients. Since its p2p the clients share my bandwidth which is only 3mbits per client. Sadly thats not enough for most of games we want to play. So my question is it possible to route the video/audio stream data through a server with higher speeds and give every client the full quality stream. ( little diagram )

I also thought about streaming my Desktop to the VPS via WebRTC (I read that RMTP is slower) and let my friends watch the stream on the vps and let them control the game with steam links input only mode ( diagram ). Do you guys have any other ideas?

Could you host a VPN on the VPS and then do the p2p connections over that VPN? That seems like it would achieve the configuration in your "What I Want" diagram.

Basically instead of you and your friends connecting via your actual public IP addresses you would connect via the private IPs assigned by the VPN. That way all traffic would pass through the VPS but otherwise you could connect normally.

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