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Generate pdf file with Itext PDF and Freemarker : blank image using base64

I've been looking for the solution to why the image doesn't show up using base64 encoded string in the pdf file. I have java class to generate pdf report with itextpdf and freemarker template. there is logo image that I want to pass to the report. the logo value using base64 encoded string with format as following:


here is the freemarker template:

  <#macro header logo>
    <table width="800">
          <#if logo??>
            <td width="300"> 
              <img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/03/08/20/03/flag-1244649_960_720.jpg" width="60" height="60" align="left"/>
              <img src="${logo}" width="60" height="60" align="left"/>


the first image using url path is working, however the second image using base64 is blank. the image is appear when I run it through jsfiddle or using html file https://jsfiddle.net/riskiana/jvug1tzL/3/

please somebody help me.


iText html2pdf currently doesn't support base 64 encoded resources.

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