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Validate if the XML has a tag "string" using XQuery

I need to check if the xml has a "OperationResponse" in it and if yes, i need to perform some actions using XQuery. I tried few things and was not successfull. Below is an example of something that i tried.

Sample XML

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://examplens/soap/envelope/">
      <ns0:OperationResponse xmlns:ns0="urn:abcd:efgh:bc:1">

Sample Code

let $response = xmlMessage.xml
if ( $response[Response[contains(text(),'OperationaResponse')]]  = 'true')

Expected Output A boolean value

Why not build the test into your XQuery:

if (.//ns0:OperationResponse)
then (: do your query :)
else () (: return nothing :)

You can try the following.


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