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XML and XQuery: Comparison between tag content and string

if I have this simple file.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        Lorenzo Vinci
        Via Rosa Luxemburg 68 A, Imola
        Marco Di Nicola
        Via Venezia, Pescara
        Luca Pompei
        Via qualcosa, Londra

I'd like to get all the employees whose state name begins with "I". So I've written the query:

let $emp := doc("employees.xml")
for $e in $emp//employee
  let $state := $e/address/state
  return starts-with($state, "I")

but the function starts-with always returns false. I've also tried with

return starts-with(string($state), "I")

but it's the same. Where am I wrong? Thanks

return starts-with(normalize-space(string($state)), "I")


OR your query will work when the xml structure is like this -

   <name>Lorenzo Vinci</name>
   <address>Via Rosa Luxemburg 68 A, Imola

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