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Running mysql commands inside bash script

I am trying to execute a mysql command inside a bash script but every time I try to execute it fails for some reason. I have tried several ways and none seemed to work(eg: <<QUERY...;QUERY) My select is the following but I get an error:

mysql -utesting -pMypass -hlocalhost -D test DB -e "

SELECT value FROM h6_options

where module=cloud

AND `option`=prefix;"

I get the following error.
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 3: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='prefix'' at line 5

Any help is appreciated.

You are using a multi-line SQL statement. this means you have two options:

  1. you can push everything into one single line.
  2. try reformatting your script to use EOF tags instead.
  3. any option I didn't think of that the smart people here can consider...

here's an example:

mysql -u USER -pPASSWORD <<EOF

so for you, I would do this:

mysql -utesting -pMypass -hlocalhost -D test DB <<EOF
SELECT value FROM h6_options
where module=cloud
AND `option`='prefix';

Note: I don't like using the word EOF....for me, I like the word SQL or QUERY. because EOF means end of file. The code is identical, so you can use the word of choice:

mysql -utesting -pMypass -hlocalhost -D test DB <<QUERY
SELECT `value` FROM `h6_options`
where `module`='cloud'
AND `option`='prefix';

Source: https://www.shellhacks.com/mysql-run-query-bash-script-linux-command-line/

Turns out the issue was the backticks. I had to escape them in order to not evaluate the line.

SELECT value FROM h6_options

WHERE \`option\`="prefix"

AND module="cloud"

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