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How to configure apache for flask and php on the same server

The server that I've been upgrading/updating has pages using php and python. I've rewritten the python based pages using the Flask framework and apache is configured using wsgi:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName my_fake_site
    AliasMatch ^\/((?:flask_dir1|flask_dir2).*)\.((css|php|png)$((?:\?.*)?)) /var/www/html/app/$1.$2
    AliasMatch ^\/(.*)\.(css|html|php|png) /var/www/html/$1.$2

    WSGIDaemonProcess main_proc processes=8 python-home=/var/www/html/venv
    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/html/wsgi.py
    <Directory /var/www/html/>
        WSGIProcessGroup main_proc
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} 
        Require all granted

    SSLEngine on

WSGIPythonPath /var/www/html
WSGIPythonHome /var/www/html/venv

On the old server, urls pointing to directories default to index.php using the DirectoryIndex option (set in another conf file). On the new server, I get an "internal server error" message and a 500 response code in the error log.

So ultimately the question is, how do I configure apache to serve both pages handled by php and pages handled by python? (Note: there are a few pages handled by php in the flask directories)

EDIT: I added another AliasMatch line that seems to do what I want. I was also able to remove 'php' from the second AliasMatch line:

AliasMatch ^\/((?:flask_dir1|flask_dir2).*)\.((css|php|png)$((?:\?.*)?)) /var/www/html/app/$1.$2
AliasMatch ^\/(.*)\.(css|html|png) /var/www/html/$1.$2
AliasMatch ^\/((?:php_dir1|php_dir2).*) /var/www/html/$1

As mentioned in my edit, the AliasMatch directive worked. From the documentation , this allows Apache to host static files, which I guess also includes php files.

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