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what is the use of total(currentMeausure within head set) in cognos

I have a question regarding COGNOS inbuilt function.

I have a report of another developer in which he is using the inbuilt function total(currentMeausure within head set) in COGNOS. My task is to enhance the report. And the fields which have to be enhanced are using this function and I have no idea what this function is doing here.

Thanks, Regards Hajrah Naeem

I have searched a lot on google but didn't find accurate description about it. Can anyone explain me this function in easy way with some example so that I can continue my work?

Total is the aggregation to be done on the measure.

CurrentMeasure is either the defaultMeasure on the Crosstab or the Measure projected on an edge

Within set(head(dimension/level/set,N)) means the first N members of the defined object.

So for total(currentMeasure within set(head([ProductLine],3)) would give you total of the first 3 members in the ProductLine level.

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