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NoClassDefFoundError when loading servlet filter from jar

I created a servlet filter which I'm trying to use in WildFly 26 with an application deployed as an EAR file, so I added this to the web.xml file:


The servlet filter resides in the org.stormhub.jakarta package and implements the jakarta.servlet.Filter interface.

This is what the deployed EAR file looks like:

|-- some.war
    |-- WEB-INF/
        |-- lib/
            |-- servlet-logging-filter-1.0.0.jar

The servlet-logging-filter-1.0.0.jar file looks like this:

|-- stormhub
    |-- jakarta
        |-- LoggingFilter.class

When starting WildFly it prints the error message:

Failed to define class org.stormhub.jakarta.LoggingFilter 
in Module "deployment.some.ear.some.war" 
from Service Module Loader: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
Failed to link org/stormhub/jakarta/LoggingFilter 
(Module "deployment.some.ear.some.war" from Service Module Loader): 

Why is the class loader not finding my servlet filter?

WildFy 26 is a Jakarta EE 8 . WildFly 26 Preview is a Jakarta EE 9.1 container and WildFly 27 is a Jakarta EE 10 container. If you want to use Jakarta EE 9+, jakarta namespaced API's, you need to use WildFly 26 Preview or better yet WildFly 27.

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