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Unable to make playbook fail if any of the disk space reached 80%

 - name: Display any lines that have more FS usage than 80% shell: df -h | awk '$NF { print $1, $5 } $5+0 > 80' register: filesystem - debug: var: filesystem.stdout_lines - fail: msg: “Disk space is running low” when: filesystem.stdout | int > 80

I am expecting the playbook to fail for any lines that have more disk usage than 80%

you need to consider:

  • filesystem.stdout_lines is a list with multiple values, this is different to the variable in the when condition, which combines all those records as a single string value, that's why the comparison | int > 80 | int > 80 fails, so you will need to compare one row at a time

  • note that the record has the volume name and the disk, as the print in awk defines print $1, $5 , to do the when comparison you would need to split the value, from the disk utilization you would also need to remove the percentage character and convert the value to a number to make the comparison

  • you have 2 comparisons, one in the shell command with awk ( $5+0 > 80 ) the result, in theory will only contains the volumes with higher disk utilization, so the when in the fail wouldn't be necessary

- fail: 
    msg: “Disk space is running low in {{ item }}”
  with_items: "{{ filesystem.stdout_lines }}"

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