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SQL query to fetch id having multiple coaches

Id  name    type
1   A       coach
1   B       coach
1   C       client
1   D       client
2   E       coach
2   F       client
2   G       client

I want to write a query to find ids having coach more than once but the output should contain rows with value client as well irrespective of its count.

I tried using a subquery but I'm not able to get the desired result.

Tried subquery and also tried to specify value as coach but in that case not getting rows having client values.

I want id having coach more than once along with client if any

A conditional sum() over() may be a good fit here.


Declare @YourTable Table ([Id] int,[name] varchar(50),[type] varchar(50))
Insert Into @YourTable Values 
;with cte as (
Select * 
      ,Coaches = sum( case when [type]='Coach' then 1 end) over (partition by ID)
 From @YourTable
Select * from cte where Coaches>1


Id  name    type    Coaches
1   A       coach   2
1   B       coach   2
1   C       client  2
1   D       client  2

Or another approach

Select A.*
 From  @YourTable A
 Join ( Select id from @YourTable where [type]='Coach' group by id having count(*)>1 ) B
   on A.ID=B.ID

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