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How can I get the callable method in a Trait?

I have this trait:


namespace App\Traits;

trait PageConfigTrait {

    public function getFormAction()
        return ""; // I want to return 'edit'


and this controller using the Trait:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Traits\PageConfigTrait;

class BillTypeController extends Controller
    use PageConfigTrait;

    public function index()

    public function edit()
        echo $this->getFormAction();

What I need to return 'edit' on getFormAction method on my Trait?

I'm using Laravel.

Thank you

You can do it by using PHP predefined constants.


namespace App\Traits;

trait PageConfigTrait {

    public function getFormAction($caller)
        return $caller; 


and then you can call it like this:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Traits\PageConfigTrait;

class BillTypeController extends Controller
    use PageConfigTrait;

    public function index()

    public function edit()
        echo $this->getFormAction(__FUNCTION__);

If you don't want to pass anything around, you can use debug_backtrace(); to do something like this:


namespace App\Traits;

trait PageConfigTrait {

    public function getFormAction()
        $trace = debug_backtrace();
        $caller = $trace[1];

        return $caller['function'];


Then you can use it like you wanted in the code above.


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