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My firestore sucurity rule for getting multiple documents doesn't work

I have this rule

allow read: if request.auth.uid == resource.data.author

and it doesn't allow me to get multiple documents with getDocs.

But it allows to get a document with getDoc.

PS: I used this to retrieve the documents

const col = collection(db, collectionPath)
const documents = await getDocs(col)

and got this error

FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions.

but this worked

const col = collection(db, collectionPath)
const document = await getDoc(doc(col,documentID))

You're confusing security rules with filters . The security rule in your question will only let through queries where all documents satisfy the rule, so if you try to get the entire collection using getDocs(collection) , it won't return anything.

Instead, try querying your database using your Author field, like the method in this answer , which uses whereEqualTo() to filter results by field:

const col = firestore.collection(db, collectionPath).whereEqualTo("author", author)
const documents = await getDocs(col)

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