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Can Sqoop update record on Oracle RDBMS table that have different column structure with Hive table

I'm a Hadoop newcomer trying to export data from Hive to Oracle. Can Sqoop update data to Oracle table let say,

Oracle Table have column A,B,C,D,E

I stored data on Hive table as B,C,E

Can Sqoop export update(just update, not upsert) with B,C as update keys and update just the E column from Hive?

Pls mention --update-key Prim_key_col_in_table . Pls note --update-mode default is updateonly so you dont have to mention anything. You can also add input-fields-terminated-by command if you want to.

here is a sample command -

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://xxxxxx/mytable --username xxxxx --password xxxxx --table export_sqoop_mytable --update-key Prim_key_col_in_table --export-dir /user/ingenieroandresangel/datasets/mytable.txt -m 1

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