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How to do partial template class specialization with concept and requires?

It's easy to write template function override with concept, but I don't know how to write template class partial specialization:(

template <typename T>
concept Integral = is_integral_v<T>;

template <typename T>
concept IsNotIntegral = !

template <typename T>
class Test

template <Integral T> // wrong
class Test

template <typename T> // wrong
    requires Integral<T>
class Test

int main()
    Test<int> t;

This doesn't work either:(

template <Integral T>
class Test

template <IsNotIntegral T>
class Test


template <Integral T> // wrong
class Test


template <typename T> // wrong
    requires Integral<T>
class Test

are using the declaration syntax of a primary class template , not a partial specialization. Compare the syntax of an unconstrained partial specialization from before concepts:

// primary class template
template <typename T>
class Test

// partial specialization of the class template
template <typename T>
class Test<T*>

The difference is that there isn't just a class name in the partial specialization after the class keyword, but a template-id Test<T*> instead. Without it a partial specialization makes no sense since we wouldn't know what template arguments we are specializing for.

So with constraints the syntax for a partial specialization should be the same:

template <Integral T>
class Test<T>


template <typename T>
    requires Integral<T>
class Test<T>

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