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import in python working on my Linux Terminal but raising ModuleNotFoundError on VS code

I am very beginner to Linux as I recently started using it. I installed different libraries like numpy, pandas etc. import numpy as np import pandas as pd It raises a ModuleNotFoundError in VS Code. But when I run the same code in Terminal, there's no issue. Note: I installed these libraries with pip3 install package OS: Ubuntu 22.04

I tried to uninstall the package and reinstall but still not working. I also tried to install by sudo apt-get install python3-pandas . Nothing works out.

Without all the context, it sounds like you have a few different python environments.

In terminal check which python you are using which python In VSCode settings check Python: Default Interpreter Path

That might help you understand what is going on. Make sure that the VSCode python path is the same path that your terminal prints out.

It seems that you have two or more interpreter of python.

You can use shortcuts "Ctrl+Shift+P " and type "Python: Select Interpreter" to choose the correct python interpreter in VsCode.

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