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SAS global variable for date from another table | HELP PLEASE

I need to create a global variable with date type

I have some table with date column and calculate max of these dates, then I need to put this max date to new global variable

HELP, PLEASE在此处输入图像描述

If you could include some sample data and expected output, it will be easier to give you a more specific answer.

Something like the code below will create a macro variable &max_date containing the maximum value of the column date from the table mytable .

proc sql;
    select max(date_variable) format=date9. into :max_date
    from mytable

If you want the numeric value rather than the formatted value then leave out the format=date9. If the date variable is a datetime rather than a date, then you will have to use a datetime specific format, eg datetime23.

You're likely trying to use a formatted value where you require an unformatted one, or are not specifying the formatted value is a literal date value using DT.

Your code is invalid to create a macro variable, assuming your input data set is called dates and the variable of interest is called min_of_contact_date the following would get the minimum value into macro variables and allow for usage.

proc sql noprint;
    select min(min_of_contact_date) into :min_date
    from dates;
    select min(min_of_contact_date) format=datetime20. into :min_date_formatted 
    from dates;

put &min_date.;
put &min_date_formatted.;

These are equivalent usages:

if min_of_contact_date = "&min_date_formatted"dt;
if min_of_contact_date = &min_date;

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