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Error when inserting timestamp data from CSV into a Redshift table column which is of timestamp data type

I am trying to insert data from an UTF-8 encoded CSV file into Redshift database but I get the error when attempting to insert timestamp into a column which has timestamp data type.

Here's a sample CSV:

KL214691,John Smith,operations,2023-01-17 09:01:34,2023-01-17 16:52:41,1
KL214692,Samantha Kennedy,operations,2023-01-17 08:31:54,2023-01-17 16:09:10,1

Here's a sample table DDL:

create table historical_metrics_agent_status_time_on_status
    employeeid       varchar(10),
    employeename     varchar(100),
    employeedept     varchar(50),
    shiftstarttime   timestamp encode az64,
    shiftendtime     timestamp encode az64,
    onpremises       boolean,
    importdatetime   timestamp encode az64
    sortkey (employeeid);

The error message shows that there's an invalid digit - on position 4 in column shiftstarttime which has raw field value 2023-01-17 09:01:34 . It looks like it's not reading timestamp from CSV file properly. Is there something I'm missing in CSV?

Check stl_load_errors for the exact row that is failing. My guess is that one of the VARCHAR columns has a comma (,) in it and is throwing off the alignment of the CSV to table columns. Like if one of the names is entered as “Smith, Joe”.

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