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Installing AGE Version 12 with PostgreSQL 12 - Version Mismatch Error

I have installed PostgreSQL REL_12_STABLE version, ApacheAGE AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA version but when I type the command installcheck it returns an error saying that there is a mismatch error between the library and the server version.


Apache AGE:

Make Install command on AGE:

Installcheck command on AGE:

As you can see, both versions are 12 but it is recognizing it wrongly. What should I do to fix this error?

Clone master branch from given link: https://github.com/apache/age . And then install it will work but make sure you have created separate folders for both age and postgresql.

Create new folders for both Apache AGE and PostgreSQL: Install Apache AGE in its folder using:

git clone -b AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA --single-branch https://github.com/apache/age.git

Install PostgreSQL in its folder using:

git clone -b REL_12_STABLE --single-branch https://github.com/postgres/postgres.git

And then perform the necessary steps, should work fine.

Clone the particular branch of AGE

    git clone -b PG12 https://github.com/apache/age.git

Try with this branch as well.
You can go inside the database terminal and do

    SELECT version();

to confirm whether Postgres is actually in version 12.

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