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How to fill polygon in image

I've a closed contour region on an image. How to fill it up with white color? Not sure whats the Julia function for fillpoly(..)? Thanks

black background img with thin white circle, contour=findall(img.>0) img_With_contour_filled_with_white=..

Original Img Filled Img
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在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述
在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述


using Images

img = load("img.png")

function fill_poly!(img::Matrix{RGB{N0f8}})
  bit_cols = all.(==(RGB(1., 1., 1.)), eachcol(img)) .== 0
  idx_cols = findall(bit_cols)
  f = findfirst.(!=(RGB(1., 1., 1.)), eachcol(img[:, bit_cols]))
  l = findlast.(!=(RGB(1., 1., 1.)), eachcol(img[:, bit_cols]))
  foreach(x->img[x[1]:x[2], x[3]].=RGB(0., 0., 0.), zip(f, l, idx_cols))


Known issue: fills areas like the following

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