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How can I keep the flash continuously on while taking a picture using the CameraX API?

I am using the CameraX library to take pictures in my Android app, but I would like to keep the flash continuously on while the picture is being taken. I've tried using the setFlashMode(FlashMode.ON) method of the ImageCapture class, but the flash only fires for a moment during the capture. There does not seem to be a flash mode setting available like FlashMode.TORCH or FLASH_TYPE_USE_TORCH_AS_FLASH that would allow for keeping the flash continuously on. Is there a way to achieve this using the CameraX API?

I figured I'd add a button to turn on the torch and use that instead. Just before taking the picture, I automatically turn it off and use the normal flash. This works because my goal is to enable users to illuminate a target in a dark place before taking the picture.

 camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(... ); if (camera.getCameraInfo().hasFlashUnit()) { camera.getCameraControl().enableTorch(true); }

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