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How to run Saxon on an XQuery Update file from the command line?

This page [1] on the Saxon web site says:

Update is available only in Saxon-EE, and is supported only if explicitly requested. The command line has an option -update:on for this purpose...


Note that updates to a document will fail unless it is implemented using the Linked Tree model. This can be selected from the command line using -tree:linked...

So, I added those options and invoked Saxon from the command line:

java -classpath %CLASSPATH% net.sf.saxon.Transform -update:on -tree:linked example.xml -xsl:example.xsl -o:out.xml

When I executed that, I got this error message:

Command line option -update is not recognized.

What is the right way to invoke Saxon for XQuery Update?

[1] https://www.saxonica.com/html/documentation10/using-xquery/update.html

Use net.sf.saxon.Query , not Transform. And -s:input.xml query.xq .

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