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Maui windows desktop editor appearance

I would like to change the appearance of the Editor control in.Net Maui for Windows Desktop.

If you add a standard Editor to page, for example...

<Editor WidthRequest="300"/>

... a editor control is added which has quite a large amount of empty space between the text and the bottom border line...


This differs from the editors used in the windows desktop o/s itself which are normally quite compact...


Does anyone know if it is possible to change this?

You could try the VerticalTextAlignment="Center" to let the text in the center

<Editor WidthRequest="300" BackgroundColor="Yellow"  VerticalTextAlignment="Center" />

Also editor has MinimumHeightRequest and HeightRequest property as @ToolmakerSteve suggest in the comment, you could also try set these values.

There are also many properties for editor. For more info, you could refer to .Net MAUI Editor .

By the way, editor is used to enter and edit multiple lines of text. If you want only one line, you could also use an Entry ( .Net Maui Entry )

Hope it works for you.

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