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Sum quantity in a lodash grouped array

I have a groupedBy subscription lodash array, and I want to sum the quantity property and return the value.


  sub_1MT4LuP6DArCazGmEdJd: [
      id: 'prod_HleWjM6culM',
      quantity: 1,
      id: 'prod_HleWjM6culM',
      quantity: 3,

The output should be:

  sub_1MT4LuP6DArCazGmEdJd: [
      totalQuantity: 4,

Which is the best way to do this sum of values in a lodash grouped array?

You can use _.sumBy .

 let o = { sub_1MT4LuP6DArCazGmEdJd: [ { id: 'prod_HleWjM6culM', quantity: 1, }, { id: 'prod_HleWjM6culM', quantity: 3, } ] }; o.sub_1MT4LuP6DArCazGmEdJd = [{totalQuantity: _.sumBy(o.sub_1MT4LuP6DArCazGmEdJd, 'quantity')}]; console.log(o);
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.21/lodash.min.js"></script>

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