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Yamllint exclude @ symbol check in application.yaml file

I have used linter to lint spring-boot framework application.yaml file:

    name: @project.name@

@project.name@ value allows spring-boot application to resolve application name from pom.xml file.
However when I run linter ( yamllint./src/main/ ) I get an error:
Error: ./src/main/resources/application.yaml:4:11: [error] syntax error: found character '@' that cannot start any token (syntax)

Is there any rule how can I exclude special characters check?

That's a syntax error. yamllint uses PyYAML for parsing, which yields this error. PyYAML obviously cannot ignore a syntax error, and by extension, yamllint cannot ignore it.

Your best bet is to preprocess the file to replace all referenced variables, eg

sed -E 's/@([^@]*)@/_\1_/g' application.yaml | yamllint -

This replaces the @ characters around variable references with _ , which keeps the line length.

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