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TibcojmsConnectionFactory configuration issues

I am trying to work on a tibco JMS CDC product. I have issues setting up the configuration and could not find a solution to my problem.

import com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnectionFactory;

import javax.jms.JMSException;
public class TibcoBusConfiguration {
    private String password;

    private String port;

    private String queue;

    private String server;

    private String user;

    @Bean(name = "tibjmsConnectionFactory")
    public TibjmsConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory() throws javax.jms.JMSException {
        final TibjmsConnectionFactory factory = new TibjmsConnectionFactory();


        return factory;

    public JmsTemplate jmsTemplate(
        @Autowired TibjmsConnectionFactory tibjmsConnectionFactory) throws JMSException {
        final JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = new JmsTemplate();


        return jmsTemplate;

    private String serverURL() {
        return "tcp://" + server + ":" + port;


Unfortunately JmsTemplate only allows jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory, how do I pass in the TibcoConnectionFactory, because casting is not allowed since the classes do not match. Is my understanding of this incorrect?

I have the following JAR's in my maven setup: tibjms.jar jakarta.jms-api-3.0 javax.jms-api-2.0

Thanks in Advance

Boot 3/Spring 6 moved from the javax to the jakarta namespace for JEE support - you either need to find a Tibco jar for JEE 9 or drop back to Boot 2.7/Spring 5.3.

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