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Apply complex formula to whole column using MAP or ARRAY FORMULA

This is a followup to my previous question .

@Martin and @rockinfreakshow helped me to convert the following formula using MAP and BYROW respectively.

Formula before conversion in F1 cell:

=if(Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(E1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),"")=E1,"",Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(E1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),""))

Formula solution in F1 cell:


As I was expecting that the solution would be ARRAYFORMULA wrapping and I would convert the next formula by myself but that was not the case. So I am looking for your help to convert these:

Formula in G1 cell:

=if(or(Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(F1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),"")=E1,Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(F1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),"")=F1)
,"",Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(F1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),""))


Formula in H1 cell:

=if(or(Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(G1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),"")=E1,Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(G1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),"")=F1,Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(G1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),"")=G1)
,"",Iferror(vlookup($D1, INDIRECT("$"&"A"&MATCH(G1,$B:$B,0)+1&":$B"),2,false),""))

Now, my expectation is if we are able to find the solution for G1, H1 formulas, I should be able to replicate it for formulas in other cells I1,J1,K1..

I have linked a sheet for your testing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13XLZvvdzK_mqr4Ous50cIEfernw2XrPJWvVgt1hFxtk/edit?usp=sharing

Any help is much appreciated.

That's a very heavy spreadsheet: You may try deleting all your data in E:AU and use this formula:


It joins the filtered values per row, and then splits them in your desired columns

I'm not sure what exactly the formula does but try this:


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